Search results

  1. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Yeah, I've used Tiktox numerous times over the years so cool to be able a discount for the site.
  2. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Tiktox > offer a huge range of G-Shock and Casio spares and ship to the UK, EU and Worldwide. They also offer a great range of G-Shock, Pathfinder and various other brands, tools and spares on the website. Tiktox have kindly agreed to offer a 10% discount to G-Shockzone...
  3. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Tiktox > offer a huge range of G-Shock and Casio spares and ship to the UK, EU and Worldwide. They also offer a great range of G-Shock, Pathfinder and various other brands, tools and spares on the website. Tiktox have kindly agreed to offer a 10% discount to G-Shockzone...
  4. rutteger

    Masterchef Australia

    Nice one :) Would it not be a bit chunky for a chef though ?
  5. rutteger

    Recent pick ups

    As ever Mr T I am loving your work. Great idea for a thread too :D What do you reckon to the GLX 5600, how is the blue in the flesh? Where did you score the collect, was it you sold one before?
  6. rutteger

    The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.

    Welcome, nice start to the collection Madforg-shock :) What next? More Rising Red 30th?
  7. rutteger

    Gshock mrg 130t watch link

    Try one of the G-Shock spares supplier listed here > tiktox are always helpful. I'd guess going off the age of the watch and experience trying to get links for a similar aged MR-G you're SOL. In my case I ended up...
  8. rutteger

    New G-Shock Video Reviews

    Nice vids, the a life is a great collab :)
  9. rutteger

    G-Shock in Copland

    Tough one. It does kind of look like a G but it's hard to tell 100%. No obvious EL button which a lot of models have. Cop Land is from 97 so that'd rule out a G-8900 although the shape looks right. I'd guess a 6600 or 6900 but that's be pretty tentative. Any better screen caps? Did setup a...
  10. rutteger

    Hello all!

    Welcome. Nice choice on the Riseman and 5600. Try to stay away from the G-Shock stores in London or you will find yourself with plenty more Gs :p
  11. rutteger

    WRUW : 24th Sept -> 1st Oct

    Started the week with the Frog
  12. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Nice pick up, have the older 405 and use it regularly. Upload all the data for mine to Strava which is great when you're going well but less so otherwise ;)
  13. rutteger

    Wu-Tang Clan x G-Shock DW-6900WTC-1GJCU out 15th Oct!

    @BT, good spot, looks legit too > Double retail though!
  14. rutteger

    Wu-Tang Clan x G-Shock DW-6900WTC-1GJCU out 15th Oct!

    @BT, good spot, looks legit too > Double retail though!
  15. rutteger

    I think I need a new case.

    The G-001 is a real classic, congrats :)
  16. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    A cheapo pickup from eBay, poorly listed Gulfman. Hard to tell from the listing the condition, turns out it's pretty well worn Looks like I've got a new beater :)
  17. rutteger

    Sometimes I Could Kiss My Post Lady.

    Congrats :) Saw the gulfman on tz, nice score esp with the gray band and bezel. Would have to see a G-8000 in the flesh before I decided either way I think...
  18. rutteger

    New Arrival from JPN to USA - ERIC HAZE x G-Shock 30th Anniversary GA-110EH-8AJR

    Congrats on the Haze, having seen it in the flesh it's a solid G. G-Shock US posted a vid of this watch yesterday, looks like it will get a US release.
  19. rutteger

    WRUW : 24th Sept -> 1st Oct

    Started the week with the DW-9100 Riseman. If only to see the pressure graph going down...