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  1. rutteger

    eBay LRG x G-Shock DW-6900 white Think this is the original collaboration, nice :)
  2. rutteger

    gucci g shock

    Nope, it was a mockup by designer Ayako who is also a member here...
  3. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    @TZA - nice, look forward to seeing the pics :) Is it your first Rising Red? @chrisek - that is quite neat looking indeed. Not seen that exact model before although think that bezel is used elsewhere (G-2500?).
  4. rutteger

    For Sale Ga110hc2

    I've not said that at all have I. You can sell here, however I'm advising prospective buyer's to take care. Paypal has many safeguards. Western Union does not.
  5. rutteger

    Sean, you fix your avatar OK? Springbar tools, hmm, I had a generic one off eBay like this >...

    Sean, you fix your avatar OK? Springbar tools, hmm, I had a generic one off eBay like this > It was OK, but I lost it. Now just use a small electrical screwdriver...
  6. rutteger

    Fs: Wu-tang dw-6900

    Bump, sorry missed this due to it getting auto-moderated.
  7. rutteger

    For Sale FS - G-Shock "Red Riseman" GW-9200RDJ-4JF

    Ah, sorry this one got auto-moderated. If this is the same Wadsy I know from elsewhere (assume it is :) ) he is a fine seller to be trusted.
  8. rutteger

    WRUW : 8th Oct -> 14th Oct

    Started the week with the DW-6000. Had to do some timing, not sure the 1/1000 second accuracy was 100% required :p
  9. rutteger

    For Sale Ga110hc2

    No reason to believe this seller isn't genuine, however as always take due care especially when Western Union is the only payment option.
  10. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Nice tcos x dw-6100 :)
  11. rutteger

    StaRemix 3 in 1 Prize GIVE AWAY Competition! Winners announced in middle November

    Great compo :D Having seen some of StaRemix's excellent work down at G-Shock East this will certainly be one to enter :) Question is what G will you be giving away, we need pics :D
  12. rutteger

    Blast from the past

    Ah, no watch inside, shame. At least you're using it though :) Now you've mentioned it we need to see some pics of your collection :D
  13. rutteger

    WRUW : 2nd Oct -> 7th Oct

    @chrisek - nice work timepiece :) @Scary Hair. Welcome. Is it not a MTG-930? The model number will be stamped on the caseback somewhere. If you want a new G with some heft perhaps look at one of the aviators. Gone for the Giez today. The only analog G I wear, my other is in storage somewhere :)
  14. rutteger

    Blast from the past

    NOS Haze 25th, nice :) What are your plans with it?
  15. rutteger

    WRUW : 2nd Oct -> 7th Oct

    Gulfman in Orange.
  16. rutteger

    A bit cryptic but bear with me.

    Nice haul, very nice indeed. G-Cool is pretty off the wall, got to admit I'd not seen that variant before. Those GLX-150 are really taking my fancy now. An In4mation one would be very nice :)
  17. rutteger

    Recent pick ups

    That was it, know you'd had one before. What number was this collect :)
  18. rutteger

    WRUW : 27th Feb -> 4th Mar

    Not that well no, useful for indication I suppose.
  19. rutteger

    eBay Poorly listed “We Love” Collaboration x DW-6900CS-4ER

    No shirt sadly :(