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  1. rutteger

    G-Shock October 2012 New Releases

    A Navy King would be cool indeed. Might've been good to reboot / refresh / renew the old Men in Navy series and throw a few Masters in the series...
  2. rutteger

    G-Shock October 2012 New Releases

    A Navy King would be cool indeed. Might've been good to reboot / refresh / renew the old Men in Navy series and throw a few Masters in the series...
  3. rutteger

    Ask Me When We may tell you,

    @Deaks - nicely said, good indeed to get some input from someone at Casio.
  4. rutteger

    Dee & Ricky x G-Shock #3 coming soon!

    Surely won't be another GA-110. Hope something a little leftfield like a Frog! Hoping they won't go down the 6900 route....
  5. rutteger

    A bit cryptic but bear with me.

    OK, I'd guess 1 x Haze and perhaps 1 x King of some description. close ?
  6. rutteger

    WRUW : 2nd Oct -> 7th Oct

    @agentzigzag - weather looks cracking, enjoy your hols :) Gone for the the G-5500MC today
  7. rutteger

    Dee & Ricky x G-Shock #3 coming soon!

    According to Dee & Ricky at least Thanks to shocker for the heads up. What do we reckon this time? More of the same or will they do something different?
  8. rutteger

    Ask Me When We may tell you,

    Just saw it now. Nice one, got to be worth a new thread.
  9. rutteger

    G-Shock October 2012 New Releases

    Casio Japan have announced the October 2012 G-Shock release and it's another big one with 16 new models. None of the new models are specific to the 30th Anniversary range but there is no doubt Casio are pulling out the stops to ensure we'll have plenty to talk about (and buy ;) ) over the next...
  10. rutteger

    G-Shock October 2012 New Releases

    Casio Japan have announced the October 2012 G-Shock release and it's another big one with 16 new models. None of the new models are specific to the 30th Anniversary range but there is no doubt Casio are pulling out the stops to ensure we'll have plenty to talk about (and buy ;) ) over the next...
  11. rutteger

    Ask Me When We may tell you,

    Ohh, interesting, not heard about this one :)
  12. rutteger

    Hello all!

    That sounds a bit more like what I'd expect.
  13. rutteger

    Hello all!

    A grand for that ruby Frog is actually a good price (when compared with retail at least). But it's still of course a grand! You'll soon get you're eye in with spotting fakes on the 'bay. Check this work in progress in the wiki on the subject >...
  14. rutteger

    30th Anniversary Models

    You should be getting some in October, not sure on exact date. Casio USA have indicated the Haze at least will be available in normal retailers like Macys.
  15. rutteger

    Hello all!

    The Ruby Frog in Casio London? It's been there a while, is it even for sale? GSE is worth a look. Although there are heaps of 6900 and a few Frogs in store they have plenty of other models, certainly had a Mudman. Check the images here, sure you can spot a few >...
  16. rutteger

    Wu-Tang Clan x G-Shock DW-6900WTC-1GJCU out 15th Oct!

    @Miguel great info. Do you know if the LCD on the 6900WTC will have a yellow tint as per the initial preview images? Someone on facebook pointed out the images shown on the recent ebay auction show a display with a regular grey lcd. Not sure if it's an issue with photography / light or whether...
  17. rutteger

    Wu-Tang Clan x G-Shock DW-6900WTC-1GJCU out 15th Oct!

    @Miguel great info. Do you know if the LCD on the 6900WTC will have a yellow tint as per the initial preview images? Someone on facebook pointed out the images shown on the recent ebay auction show a display with a regular grey lcd. Not sure if it's an issue with photography / light or whether...
  18. rutteger

    WRUW : 2nd Oct -> 7th Oct

    Gone with the Muddie today
  19. rutteger

    WRUW : 2nd Oct -> 7th Oct

    @k1ngunit - looks nasty :( Hope no harm done to person and only property, looks like it caught fire whilst parked?
  20. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Yeah, I've used Tiktox numerous times over the years so cool to be able a discount for the site.