Nicely done Matt, and I wouldn't even consider your 6600 mod a 'beginner's mod', the easy mods I was talking about earlier were just resin swaps! But you seem to have the tools, the skills and the confidence to just swap out a backlight image! Well done

So how hard would you say that mod was?
But just like LUW said, my motive behind modding most of the time is to achieve a G that I can really be pleased with. Despite me liking a lot of stock model designs, there are always little details you wished were a bit different... One great example of this recently was the olive Rangeman, I think a lot of people thought the negative LCD was hard to read which otherwise spoilt the very nice Olive green colour combo... Our fellow forum member Vade_R went ahead and did exactly what I would have sought to do (if I had a positive rangeman too that is...)
View attachment 8321
Image borrowed from Vade_R
^ not the most straightforward mod, due to swapping a tricky module, but what a fantastic result