casio gw-9400 Rangeman - accuracy


New Member
Thank you...
That's what I knew also
All sensors work independently
And have no temp compensation .



New Member
This post made my day!!! Thanks :)
Good morning gervasius,

I have the Rangeman to and my readings are accurate. What you have to do sometimes is calibrate the settings; even though Casio calibrates them at the factory. You have to remember that the Casio watches will give you the temperature reading in conjunction to the air density readings from your barometer. However, with this said you have to calibrate your watch to your specific geographic location and that is why you have to input the correct latitude and longitude readings for the watch to calibrate to your specific geographical location; the watch will not do this automatically for you it needs your help with this.

Once you do this the watch will adjust and give the proper readings. I am a retired Infantry Sergeant and in the past we used the SUUNTO's which for real life situations are GARBAGE they won't take the abuse of combat and its a regular battery operated watch. The U.S. ARMY changed to the Pathfinder / Pro-Trek line of Casio ABC watches for many reasons one of them being accuracy as long as you calibrate your watch properly. Ensure your latitude and longitude values are correct and then allow the watch 1 to 2 hours to calibrate its computer and adjust its settings. You should get more accurate readings once this is done. I had to reset the module on my Rangeman and then calibrate the settings. So if after you do this it does not work let me know and I will give you the directions on how to reset the module and then re-calibrate the watch. I've had my Rangeman now for 5 months and my readings are dead on target.

Hopefully this information will help you. Don't loose faith and confidence in your G-Shock for they are the BEST watches in the world hands down.


New Member
@ BACKBLAST72, I changed lat and long in my G to 28.5 and 77 respectively. After doing this the altimeter showed i'm 290m above sea level while I am 228 m (as per online map). I changed that to 228m. Is my watch calibrated now?
Also the watch shows temp as 25 dg while its actually 29 deg (online info). I am not wearing my watch. How does it measure temp?



Well-Known Member
Remember the Rangeman uses Barometric pressure to calculate temp and altitude. So check to see what your barometric pressure readings are. If you need to adjust then do so and allow some time for the watch to recalibrate.


New Member
It is 981 hPa. What do i do next? I just checked altimeter which gives a reading of 205. Whilst actual alti is 228 m.
Remember the Rangeman uses Barometric pressure to calculate temp and altitude. So check to see what your barometric pressure readings are. If you need to adjust then do so and allow some time for the watch to recalibrate.


New Member
Hey can I charge the watch for hours under direct sunlight? I just kept it under the sun for an hour and the battery meter went from M to H, but the watch got fairly warm which is kinda scary.
As per the manual watch getting hot is normal.

Sounds like you need to reset your module. Follow the instructions I posted earlier and you should be good.


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Hello fellows,
I found this forum extremely helpful, but I still have problem with my Rangeman altimeter.
I live in Kaunas, Lithuania. Coordinates Latitude: 54°54′ N; Longitude: 23°54′ E (; Elevation above sea level in a place where I live: 73 m.

The problem is that altimeter always shows different results. I calibrate it, leave for few hours and check altimeter - it is totally wrong.

Yesterday about 22h I reset the module again, set the city (Athens), coordinates, barometer (yesterday air pressure was 1026 hPa), elevation (73 m.)

Today I've checked data - now air pressure is 1036 hPa (, which is correct on watch.
But altimeter is still completely wrong. Now altimeter shows 24 m, instead of 73 m.

Altimeter is one of the main functions why I've bought this G-Shock, so it is quite frustrating when you cannot rely on it. Especially when I go to military, I am never sure that altimeter shows correct data (actually, it never does).

No error is shown, on reset module every symbol is visible, so I assume sensor is not broken.

Do you have any advise on this?
Thank you very much
