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  1. Sengyoku

    G Shock collectors annual meet up

    Hi Tubs, is this an all day meet!? 1100 to 1900 sounds like a pretty long day :) Are you hosting some sort of event? Oh, maybe GM will fancy a quick drive over from the Bavarian mountains ;) It's kinda inexcusable being the g shockaholic that I am, I've never actually been to g shock east...
  2. Sengyoku

    Mudman, Frogman or Rangeman?

    I also think a Ranger will suit your needs best. It's the first ABCT G shock and is the most fully featured G to date, therefore it would be the most versatile for your outdoor adventures. That's not to say the others are a bad choice, the frogs are a somewhat luxurious choice, and they boast...
  3. Sengyoku

    WRUW Thursday Feb 27th 2014

    I have the pleasure of a very nice anniversary screwback on my wrist today :) Sent from the 'droid.
  4. Sengyoku

    5600a /5600b

    I'm not an expert on squares, but from what I've read, the vintage square cases are different and therefore modern sqaure bezels are *not* compatible with vintage squares I.e. any model from the 5600C or earlier. I just compared my 5600C to the 5030D I'm wearing today and though they are...
  5. Sengyoku

    5600a /5600b

    AFAIK The DW-5600C has a vintage style bezel, it doesn't have any ridges on the bezel whereas the modern squares have an extruded ridge where the G-Shock and protection lettering are...that's the main visual difference. The 5000SL and GW-5000 are all 'modern squares' I haven't tried to figure...
  6. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 26/02/14

    It should work with your galaxy s4. I believe it's on the compatability list. My note 2 was not previously compatible, but after the latest phone update it's working! You will be impressed with the functionality on the new bluetooth models, good job getting the brown model, that colour is often...
  7. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 26/02/14

    Still enjoying the Bloo tooth :) Working great with my note 2 :) Sent from the 'droid.
  8. Sengyoku

    The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.

    Welcome hamm3r! Lovely Giez you have there, they are built like tanks, id expect it to keep going for decades. Look forward to seeing your others :) Sent from the 'droid.
  9. Sengyoku

    For Sale FS: Casio G-Shock 30th Anniversary 30 Stars Carbon series: GW-M5630D & DW-6930D

    At today's exchange rate... It's roughly 290usd for the 5630d and 220usd for the 6930d. A bit inconvenient that the GBP is higher than it was a while ago :/
  10. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 25 February 2014

    Yes I did get this awesome Ranger in HK indeed, with a little good advice from you :) I have to say this and the LY ranger are the best lookers... I'm kinda in two minds about trying to get a yellow ranger at the moment... that week of seeing many yellow rangeman was making me want one pretty...
  11. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 25 February 2014

    All stars team is out Tom :) I'm back to black today, the all black ranger :) Sent from the 'droid.
  12. Sengyoku

    wruw monday 2-24-14

    The unrest in Venezuela is well documented in the news even here, it's unfortunately echoed here in Europe with the unrest happening in the Ukraine. But sometimes the struggles and unrest is a necessary hardship to bring about change for the better and unite people. I do hope you stay safe...
  13. Sengyoku

    wruw monday 2-24-14

    Good dose of purple today :) Wishing everyone a productive start to the week! Sent from the 'droid.
  14. Sengyoku

    For Sale FS: Casio G-Shock 30th Anniversary 30 Stars Carbon series: GW-M5630D & DW-6930D

    Greetings all, **My other sale thread seems to not be working on desktop browsers for some reason, but is accessible via Tapatalk on mobile... (can you sort this out mods?)** Anyway... I have sold the Be@rbricks, so I still have these two on offer: 1. GW-M5630D-1 Carbon Fiber "Thirty...
  15. Sengyoku

    wruw sunday 2-23-14

    A bit of a dream team there Tom :) Good Sunday everyone :) Sent from the 'droid.
  16. Sengyoku

    wruw saturday 2-22-14

    Checking in late again, been a busy day! After a week of yellow, I can do a little more :) Here's a quick montage of yellow week: Fab week of yellow for Will, and love that stealth tank Chris! Sent from the 'droid.
  17. Sengyoku

    wruw friday 2-21-14

    Oops I totally forgot to check in on a frog Friday! Shame on me! Better late than never right? Pleased to see the other LY frogs joining in this frog Friday :) I've slightly modded mine 'the hundreds' style today :) Sent from the 'droid.
  18. Sengyoku

    @@ wruw tuesday 2-19-14

    A slightly different 'yellow' in my week of yellow :) Sent from the 'droid.
  19. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday Feburary 18,2014

    Oh and @Will, i said it before but I'll say it again... a superlative G today you are wearing... the yellow Raysman is beyond awesome :) and have to hand it to you again that you have one in sparkly fresh condition like your other vintage Gs! Sent from the 'droid.
  20. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday Feburary 18,2014

    Another day with the X6930E! With Chris and Will on the yellow themed week :) I could wear just this one all week, this colourway just works really well for the x6900, You'll love this one Marcos ;) Gotta love those rangeman-esque buttons :) Sent from the 'droid.