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  1. Sengyoku

    <__/| W R U W December, Sat 21st - 2013 |\__>

    One of my all time favourites... Love the smokey gray :) Sent from the 'droid.
  2. Sengyoku

    **WRUW 20th Dec 2013**

    Whups almost forgot to post mine! Must be forgetful frog Friday! Sent from the 'droid.
  3. Sengyoku

    Let's talk squares!

    Like Luciano mentioned earlier, I'm one of those people who developed a later fascination with squares... I didn't used to pay that much attention to squares at all! Ironically, my first true experience of a Casio watch was a non-G DW-240; a simple square digital, (obviously related to it's...
  4. Sengyoku

    ««« W®UW Thursday December 19th »»»

    I'm pleased to say we actually have clear skies and some sun! Beginning of a new era? :) Sent from the 'droid.
  5. Sengyoku

    ~~~WRUW - 18th Dec 2013~~~

    Some 30th anniversary square goodness :) Sent from the 'droid.
  6. Sengyoku

    Full Moon - ideal light for G-Shock photos......

    Wow, GM, your photos never cease to amaze! Ok, I have to ask... is that light actually just coming from the moon... and you didn't do *any* post processing on your photos? Because they look freakishly awesome. Just out of interest what's your setup? It's like your camera has a switch for...
  7. Sengyoku

    ~~~WRUW December 17th~~~

    Changed into something brighter for the gym... Sent from the 'droid.
  8. Sengyoku

    Feedback on new Likes system?

    Thanks again for taking the time to implement the likes system for us Rutteger! I don't know about everyone else but I find the 'like' system is particularly convenient for just acknowledging other members posts to you when on the move or if you don't have time to reply properly. I don't think...
  9. Sengyoku

    ~~~WRUW December 17th~~~

    ^ yeah, 1998... an 8200 frog fits :) I've got my GD-100MS-3 "baby resist" on :) Sent from the 'droid.
  10. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 16th Dec 2013

    Yay! Likes all round. Many thanks for sorting that Rutteger! Strange thing is, on the iPad it calls it "thank"? And I think I thanked my own post too oops :) Edit: see below :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 16th Dec 2013

    Milimudman :) Sent from the 'droid.
  12. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 9th Dec -> 15th Dec

    Even if you did sign up with a different name, your photos will look all gripmaster-y ;) there's no avoiding that! Sent from the 'droid.
  13. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 9th Dec -> 15th Dec

    Oh noes, Gripmaster is here! Now all our photos are going to look sub-standard :) Took my personally resurrected MTG-910D out swimming today. Sent from the 'droid.
  14. Sengyoku

    Japan trip..

    We bid you good travels and these wise words: "Pics or it didn't happen!"
  15. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 9th Dec -> 15th Dec

    Black ranger. Oh yes. Sent from the 'droid.
  16. Sengyoku

    New XL bodies from G-Shock

    My picks... quite like the look of the purple GAC-110 and the blue GA-310. (That pink is hideous though! Sent a chill down my spine...) I thought the GA-300s was a bit of design overkill, the 310s look much more practical. I'm not expecting lume on the hands but those white tips can make a big...
  17. Sengyoku

    WRUW - 9th Dec -> 15th Dec

    Beware Friday the 13th means Jason is out... But do not fret. Friday is also frog day, and today super hero Frog-man has subdued and unmasked Jason already :) Sent from the 'droid.
  18. Sengyoku

    Post Up Your Modified, Customs, and Remixed G-Shocks

    Here's a couple of my "purposeful remixes" #1 An 'extra' stealthed GW-M5610; it's the Hundreds case with the cleaner, minimalist face, black IP buttons and screws on composite bracelet #2 A 'Basel Special' Ruby Frog in Rising Red style clothes - I think they go really well! Sent from the...
  19. Sengyoku

    Article: TOOL TIME: The Basics

    Expertly well done Luciano! :) Where's the like button!?
  20. Sengyoku

    TOOL TIME: The Basics

    Expertly well done Luciano! :) Where's the like button!?