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  1. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 27th of August '14

    Happy Wednesday all, Wearing the DGK#2 today... I'm a sucker for purple, probably have to get every dgk collab in the future :)
  2. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 26 August 2014

    Good day guys, everyone's Gs looking good as always! Sorry I missed you guys yesterday, had a long day on the road, just didn't get a chance to check this in...lift shot :) Took the clot 6900 out today :) Congrats on the new king Will and love the frogs guys :)
  3. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 24 August 2014

    You know I'm late again when Chris posts before me :) Gs looking good as usual everyone, Didn't get a chance to say it yesterday, but congrats on the new king Tom! Scoping out for the atomic GB now right? Snap with K&L today, I'm road trippin' with my earth ranger...though not in as much...
  4. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday 23 August 2014

    Good Saturday guys! Checking in late after a day spent mostly in traffic jams :/ at least i had my muddie to play with whilst sat in the car :)
  5. Sengyoku

    WRUW Friday 22 August 2014

    Sorry guys, bucking the trend a little here! Happy frog Friday all :) No. 7 out to play :) My 8200 frog says, "back in my day, nobody ever heard of solar atomic, and we had no need for world time, but you don't need these things to be froggy awesome!" :)
  6. Sengyoku

    WRUW Thursday 21 August 2014

    Great Gs everyone! @K&L I tried on that exact Gulfmaster at the London Covent garden store the other day and have to say it's a very handsome piece, which was surprising for me because it's didn't look as appealing in the stock photos...something else to tempt the wallet again :/ It's a beast...
  7. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 8-20-2014

    @Two different RDs in the same room! Rare occurrence :)
  8. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 8-20-2014

    Busy day yesterday, didn't have time to wristcheck! I feel guilty missing a wruw it's become such a ritual lol! I <3 my burning red Riseman... Have a good day guys :)
  9. Sengyoku

    WRUW on Monday 18th Aug

    Monday already... where did my weekend go! Muddy on today :) Good day all :)
  10. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 17 August 2014

    Toms "complete the sentence" challenge: Life is...awesome in g shock zone :) Also got some woody camo on today... Good Sunday all :)
  11. Sengyoku

    August shipment.....Candyrim x Scape, G-056s and a Bape froggy

    That's some serious haul! Congrats! That yellow polygon is pretty cool, and well done on securing a bape x stussy, really nice froggie!
  12. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday 8-16-2014

    Good weekend everyone :) Some treats in today's thread! Great photos K&L, Chyp, Carlos and Olivier Tom, I just knew you would be excited since today is the start of the new premier league season, but I'm a little surprised you're eager to catch the arsenal game, you're a spurs man aren't you...
  13. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday 8-16-2014

    Sorry, double post. See the proper one below!
  14. Sengyoku

    Wruw (froggy) friday 15th August

    Great frogs everyone! Happy frog Friday! I took out my black jelly today :)
  15. Sengyoku

    Whats on our wrist Thursday 14th 2014

    Phew late late check in for me, had little fingers to phone time today... I had a break from the norm lunch today, some okonomi-yaki, japanese style omlette like pancakes, been a long while since I had some :) Fresh ingredients... Mix em up... 5 mins later on the 'teppan' -iron hotplate...
  16. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 13 August 2014

    Hey guys, been super busy last couple of days, missed a few wruws T_T Anyway, here's some catch up! Sunday square... Monday muddie... And I had the MS on yesterday but didn't even have time to do a wristie, here's a compensatory shot today, not that I was intending to cheat but it's such a...
  17. Sengyoku

    whats on your wrist Sat 9th of August '14

    Good weekend guys! I kicked off mine with a touch of pink :) Congrats on your latest king Tom - we have been treated with a rare wristshot!
  18. Sengyoku

    Wruw Friday 8/8/14

    Congrats and welcome to the pink club Stevo! We all love that pink frog :)
  19. Sengyoku

    Wruw Friday 8/8/14

    Froggy Friday! great pics everyone :) I brought out the rubies today :) And let's do risqué and show some backside too :p
  20. Sengyoku

    WRUW Thursday, Aug 7, 2014

    Earth ranger on today, still hasn't stopped being awesome :) Have a good day guys!