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  1. Sengyoku

    WRUW on Saturday - 09/13/14

    Looks like everyone was having a busy day today! I had some Red hot wrist wear today... Have a great weekend all :)
  2. Sengyoku

    WRUW on Friday 12th September?

    Show me your frog and I'll show you mine :) Happy froggy Friday all!
  3. Sengyoku

    wruw thursday 9-11-14

    Good day all, getting some pre emptive froggy love today... Rusty
  4. Sengyoku

    Wruw Wednesday 10th Oct

    Are we in October already lol! I'm sporting some green today, to go with the orange and purple I'm wearing... obviously :) Have a good day all :)
  5. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    Awesome Gs guys, Cool bike, cool G Michel! Love your figurine collection K&L, you got a different one everyday to go with your Gs! Another very deairable revolver Will, the master blue one is really nice have to say! love that frog Tom, nuff said :) I'm doing some crazy colors today :)...
  6. Sengyoku

    WRUW. Monday 8 September 2014

    Good Monday all! I put on something energetic to kick start the week :) Still loving the LYs!
  7. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 7 September 2014

    Whoops missed the wrist party yesterday, but I did have a square Sunday...
  8. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday, September 6, 2014

    Checking in even later than Will! I was in downtown London with my new era today :) Overcast day with a few bursts of sun at the London eye Went to look at some fishes at the aquarium too :)
  9. Sengyoku

    WRUW Friday 5th September '14, frog salute!

    Let's get the frog party started shall we? Tom passed the 'ruby duty' to me this week... And going for a tag shot, I like how the ti frogs have the same type of embossed tag... Yep, only ¥150,000 once upon a time! Have a great Friday everyone :)
  10. Sengyoku

    Next MR-G

    gulp* $3000 will probably mean £3000 here in the UK :) I reckon they should be coming over here too, they have a limited edition MRG-8100 for sale sat in a display window in the London Covent Garden store at the moment with a price tag in excess of £4000 I believe :s
  11. Sengyoku

    Whats on your wristie this Thursday 4th of Sept '14

    Good to see you here Simon! Great Gs everyone and love those photos K&L I took my no.7 out today :) Warm up for froggy Friday :)
  12. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    Very cool Gs everyone, love that swamp mod K&L :) Here's mine today... Long live the K-in-G! Happy Wednesday all :)
  13. Sengyoku

    Need help choosing a watch

    Agreed with K&L, for your around price point, the cheapest analogue options you'll find are the GAC-100 models or maybe the older G-100 which is ana-digi. The nicer, upmarket aviator analogues are all way beyond that price... But also gotta agree with the iconic dw-6900. Popular choice and...
  14. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday, September 1, 2014

    OK, I'm totally a day late, but better late than never right? :) I has this on yesterday ready for wruw, but then somebody calls me just before I post it to the zone...then I forgot about it afterwards thinking I posted already... Ever happen to you? :) Trusty 7900 :)
  15. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday September 2nd '14

    If i didn't mention before, fantastic rasta mod K&L! Michel is gonna be happy :) Very cool revolver Will, the earth blues are pretty darn rare too, hardly see them these days! :) I'm taking my earth ranger out for a spin today... Have a good Tuesday all!
  16. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday, August 31, 2014

    Stay positive everyday Michel! Happy Sunday all!
  17. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday, August 30, 2014

    Hey guys, had a busy family day yesterday didn't even have time to check in! Also because one of my lil' cousins stole my phone for most the day :/ But here's my wristie...late! @Michel, very sorry to hear about your loss. Always a tough thing when it's someone close. Remember you always...
  18. Sengyoku

    WRUW Friday 29th August '14 show your wristies!

    Froggy meet day :) Friday froggy salute! Purple eye today :) Good Friday all!
  19. Sengyoku

    What's on your wrist Thursday August 28th '14

    Wow, a mastermind and some very cool Gs in the thread today! :o my wrist has been arranged with a ranger today... Good day all!
  20. Sengyoku

    Eye Candy | Arrival: Rangeman 9400-1JF

    Great macro pics! The rangeman is a superb all round G, most would agree! I noticed you got the 9400J with the carbon fibre band too :) Good that you'll take it out and about with you, that's where it should be!