WRUWv Tuesday 11 November 2014


Very nice blue Riseman Tom, this one was worth the wait :) :fat: Defenetly one of the nicest blue g-shocks, it's so blue :soap:
Welcone back Nik. Awesome as it‘s been awhile. Thank you.very much for your kind comments. Yes absolutely worth the longer wait. Really wanted it ( only ) NOS and I got it. Very happy indeed. Once again thanks a lot and pls be around herec more frequently. Would be super cool. Best Tom


New Member
awesome earth blue atomic riseman Tom, i have the gulfman version, but have always liked this one especially atomic. and always nice rangeman Scott, can't wait for your dawn black atomic mod

finally finished my 20th anniversary "ML" collection with this G-3000ML. Whats peculiar about this collection is that all the watches have different kinds of red LCD's, this particular model also has a duplex LCD, which can display like 12 different combinations.

good day everyone





New Member
Hey guys! Missed you all for the last few days...been 'out of the zone' by that I mean in travel across multiple timezones again, and got an extra hour of jetlag to contend with since dst switched back whilst I was away!

Anyway... feeling pretty worn out, got a bit of a cold coming on and the signature rainy and gloomy uk weather isn't helping lol

To top it all off I was stuck in a huge traffic jam yesterday! Not 1, not 2 but 3 separate incidents along my route home would you believe!


well perfect time for a wristie in stationary traffic...



Anyway great Gs as usual guys, never a boring day in 'la zone' :)

Special congrats on the new pieces Tom and Scott (mili-muddie)... Two very awesome masters right there! And Scott, looking forward to your next froggy project :)

And welcome again Nik, hope to see you around here more often :)