WRUW Wednesday March 12th 2014


New Member
Nice gd-100 race , I've noticed that there 2 versions of the gd100ms a negative and the reddish positive one, I like yours more reminds me of the vintage ML's

And Chin love the 3500, and you're right about the visibility, it's cool how all the yellow sections glow at night



New Member
Nice gd-100 race , I've noticed that there 2 versions of the gd100ms a negative and the reddish positive one, I like yours more reminds me of the vintage ML's

And Chin love the 3500, and you're right about the visibility, it's cool how all the yellow sections glow at night


Thanks Will, just like you there's something a little unique about every G that attracts me to it, I find the legibility on the 3500B particularly good in general, makes it a good everyday watch :)

I do think the GD-100MS models are outstanding for their unique red LED backlights, I think a lot of people don't know this and overlook these two quietly awesome Gs!

I would have loved to get the positive pink display -1 version like race's, (which does look a lot like the ML series!) but happened to snap up the negative green -3 one cheaply on an amazon pricing error, well who knows I may come across one of these at a good price :D

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