WRUW? Wednesday 29th January


New Member
Canary Islands :) :) :)


I'm with Tom on this... looks volcanic! Canary Islands or Madeira....

Well there's no evading you geographical scholars is there? Yup. Tom's right on the money. Canary islands it is. Specifically the south western coast of Tenerife :)

Whilst I'm here I can get a brief slice of what Will and Chris get pretty much all year round hehe... you'll be be needing all your blue G's if you ever visit the UK Will :)

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New Member
Well there's no evading you geographical scholars is there? Yup. Tom's right on the money. Canary islands it is. Specifically the south western coast of Tenerife :)

Whilst I'm here I can get a brief slice of what Will and Chris get pretty much all year round hehe... you'll be be needing all your blue G's if you ever visit the UK Will :)

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Tenerife! Nice! come on we want pics of Gs on top of Teide!! you'll get new altitude record! 3700m!!! I ve been up there twice but without any G-Shock... cant believ that actually....


New Member
Alright Chin, I'll make sure to bring lots of blue ones, I do hear it rains a lot over there, but the wife has been bugging me to take her to Europe one day, and when I do I'll be definitely stopping there. I'll make sure to get in touch with you so u can show me that awesome gshock store you have there ,


Well there's no evading you geographical scholars is there? Yup. Tom's right on the money. Canary islands it is. Specifically the south western coast of Tenerife :)

Whilst I'm here I can get a brief slice of what Will and Chris get pretty much all year round hehe... you'll be be needing all your blue G's if you ever visit the UK Will :)

Sent from the 'droid.


New Member
Alright Chin, I'll make sure to bring lots of blue ones, I do hear it rains a lot over there, but the wife has been bugging me to take her to Europe one day, and when I do I'll be definitely stopping there. I'll make sure to get in touch with you so u can show me that awesome gshock store you have there ,


in my experience, LY yellow also works really well in that respect, as does an orange King or a Red Frogman.... And if you run out of colors, the solution is indeed visiting the G-Shock Store and filling up.... :cool:
Let me know when you're going so I can avoid going to the store the weeks after, as I fear when you've been through, it will be half empty...;);)