wruw thursday april 17,2014




New Member
Will I simply didn't sync :-( Thanks so much for your compliments. Really great Froggy. Always happy when I'm wearing it. Best Tom :)


Thank you race :)

Love that frog Tom, not only does it look awesome, the ti 1000 frogs do feel a little extra special don't they :)

I find that it's sometimes hard to get a good atomic clock signal in HK... with it being such a busy and buzzing city pretty much 24/7 I suppose there's potential for a lot of interference in certain parts (maybe if you live right in between several skyscrapers) :)

But i know it's definitely in range of the Chinese tower and you canget sync... Guess it's just a minor drawback for such a happening city!

Sent from the 'droid.


Thanks a lot Chin. Yes the T Frog is an extra delight :) Really appreciate it! So light, so comfortable. Indeed quite a a few skyscrapers around but as you said definitely getting the Chinese signal in HK. Best Tom


[ red dot HK <> roughly ]