WRUW Sunday 25 Mai 2014


New Member
nice way to start Tom, i remember how hard it was to get my hands on that yellow beauty

and Dakar, getting the orange resin is not cheating, just modding......i thought about the same thing with my gwa1100fc, but I'm too weak in the end

and nice 5600BB Michel, thats the ultimate stealthy blackout square

today I'm wearing another new aviator, my first MTG tank, also arrived yesterday, its heavy and bold and i just love all the red details, i took these pics yesterday, i'll take some more today

good sunday all




New Member
Will...The beast carries on beasting! Congrats again on the new MTG :) I think it's the best colour scheme for the tank thus far. The stainless steel suits this model very well imo.

Tom, you are the frog-man! Awesome frog, I'll be putting on the lightning suit soon as the sun stays a bit longer here and the sleeves are gone :)

Michel, joining you with a square Sunday :) I don't have a BB but love the all black look, you might know my 'version' is the 5610TH on BC clothes. Super stealthy.

Dakar get that resin, one of the best thing about Gs imo, ability to change clothes!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon guys,

Will awesome MTG brother classy as always, enjoy your new time piece my friend.

Tom that Frogman looks great in yellow. I like how the color brings out the details of the watch.

As for me I am wearing my trusty GR-7900KG-3.


Also I wanted to ask all of you in our forum to take a minute and reflect on the significance and sacrifices our servive members have sustain in the defense of our great nation this Memorial Day weekend.
God bless our Men and Women in uniform always.

Very Sincerely,
Carlos A. Gonzalez SSG, USA (RET).

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