Awesome titanium froggy Tom, and Chin that one is one of my favorite 8200's, I have two of those. The famous 7th
Cheers guys
Thanks Will, like you, I know just why there is so much to like about this frog; even I -albeit for a brief time- had two of these Frogs! haha I know your other favourite 8200 has to be the Real Black! The super contrast display and backlight on these two frogs are what makes them stand apart from the rest for me, I find it strange they haven't done any more frogs in this positive LCD/reverse EL style, it really is the best of both worlds in terms of clarity...
Oh and haven't stopped loving that 1000G, a superlative Frog.
Thank you Will

You and Chin got really beauties today

. Always something special popping up when you guys are around. Enjoy the Friday and have a great weekend too!
Thanks Tom! you're being a bit too humble, showing up with that grail of a Frog on your wrist today

I absolutely love that Frog and I am definitely regretting not being able to get hold of one of those when they came out! But we can't have them all can we