Nice guys! As planned, participated in Frog Friday today.
Last night, I completely forgot today was Friday the 13th. And I didn't know it was a full moon to boot! Out of good fortune the right watch was picked out to wear. The mighty lemondrop!
After work, I decided to stop by a local store.
It is not often that the US gets a watch on the same day of release as Japan. And definitely Hawaii isn't there. Unless it is an In4mation. So I thought I'd swing by and check the new G out. I mean, I swore up and down that I'm done with DW's. So this was more just to be able to "see" a new release in person vs reading about it. Right?
Wrong! Lol. Fun day to all.
sent with aloha

Last night, I completely forgot today was Friday the 13th. And I didn't know it was a full moon to boot! Out of good fortune the right watch was picked out to wear. The mighty lemondrop!

After work, I decided to stop by a local store.

It is not often that the US gets a watch on the same day of release as Japan. And definitely Hawaii isn't there. Unless it is an In4mation. So I thought I'd swing by and check the new G out. I mean, I swore up and down that I'm done with DW's. So this was more just to be able to "see" a new release in person vs reading about it. Right?

Wrong! Lol. Fun day to all.
sent with aloha