Hello good Mates, excuses 4 the late reply. Woke up like an 1hour ago after a good-bye Shabbat dinner & drinks @ my friend Sharon :S
Clot Sunday -->
Last night @ Sharon's with wine, beer, kosher pizzas, pastries, sweets & the best friends and conversation ever -->
Mom & Dad or Abbot & Costello for all that matters, arrived yesterday (I understood why I was insane when yesterday Mom told me she needs 2B always around Dad BCuz she needs adult supervision) -->
yesterday upon arrival (Dad loves 2 nap in the sofa & press Mom's pink G-Shock EL)
today's late breakfast
Dad call it the fun kippa
Dad is a swatch lover, but I'm committed 2 bring him 2 the G dark side...
And now I ask you 2 excuse me again 4 talking 2 much!
All the best always... Cheers!