WRUW : 9th Jan - 15th Jan


Buy from abroad, slows the post and the collection increase. Must think about selling a few ...

Computers - shrug shoulders and start again from scratch - auto save and recovery failed :( :( :(

Bubbly Tubs

@ Bubbly (They call me Mister Tubbs!) - what film is that I have just plagiarized?

Anyway, deep sympathy on the man flu, I know how debilitating it can be, especially when the women around keep telling you it is nothing. Not sure if the comment several replies above about GSE is about me but I am/was planning to go this week for a first visit and take my company debit card for exercise. Unfortunately there is a vehicle clamped shaped hole in my finances and I am not likely to get the money back for 28 days if at all - vehicle not displaying permit while I went to get a permit ... :mad-new:

Okay I give in what film?
I know I'm gonna kick myself when you tell me.


Sidney Poitier as Virgil Tibbs in "The Heat of the Night" (1967) when asked by a racist deputy "whar do they call you back in Philadelphia?"

Gave rise to the less successful sequel "They call me Mister Tibbs" (1970)


Buy from abroad, slows the post and the collection increase. Must think about selling a few ...

It may get to the point you're buying your Gs from the most obscure places possible to increase postage times ;) Think most G collectors have to have the odd cull. Sadly.

Anyhow sure most are bored of the Mudman now, went with the old DW-5900, the original triple eyed.



Love the 5900, mine is currently on the keeperless shelf. Must get round to bulk ordering some cheap straps just for the keepers as previously discussed. Hope to go to Brick Lane tomorrow, what should I wear?

You can never get bored of mudmen :) :



The 5900 is a classic indeed, shame it lacks any sort of EL though. Good enough for John Goodman in the Big Lebowski though, see the film / music thread here ;)

Which G for GSE. Hmmmm. Go low key or make a statement? The new Timex perhaps ;) Let us know what you go with and more importantly what you pick up (or is on sale :D ).


The 5900 is a classic indeed, shame it lacks any sort of EL though. Good enough for John Goodman in the Big Lebowski though, [/URL] )

Which G for GSE. Hmmmm. Go low key or make a statement? The new Timex perhaps Let us know what you go with and more importantly what you pick up (or is on sale :D ).

The Big Lebowski was on Film 4 a few weeks ago - I failed to see the 5900 on John Goodmans wrist :( In my defence I tend to watch films with IMDB open on the laptop and a book or magazine open as well.

Brick Lane - yes, seriously considering the Timex but I want to make a good impression so probably the Stargate - wrist presence and old enough to perhaps intrigue those behind the counter.

I don't want to jump in with my size nines but I was hoping to see if the guys in the shop would be able to post the occasional special offer list in here - I reckon they would get rid of slow moving or overstock quite quickly that way. I have g-shockzone.com bookmarked on my phone so I can show them what a well-behaved and knowledgeable bunch we are :rolleyes: if they are for any reason unaware of us.

I am being chauffered round the DLR all week in one of the works vans - too much kit to carry by train. Brick Lane is a fair distance from any of the stations we are due to visit tomorrow but I have promised the driver that we can visit the bagel shop as well ...


A while since I saw the film and have to say I didn't spy it on the first viewing.

Stargate = good choice.

Asking them if we could get a heads up on any offers would be brilliant. I've had the odd brief twitter exchange with whoever runs there twitter account but who knows if they've seen the site.

Enjoy your London trip. Watch for ironic young men on bikes with no gears around GSE.

Bubbly Tubs

@ rutteger, I actually don't know the full model number, think its an XLS

@ macspite, I wouldn't of got that film, not one I recall seeing sorry

@ gshockpete, good to see ya back fella

Now I may of mentioned a certain something winging it's way too me, well it actually arrived yesterday and I've been wearing it all day. Some of you might like it it's not actually something I was actively looking for, just came across it at to damn much of a good deal.


Sorry about the low light fuzzy pic

Oh and with mention of a GSE trip I've heard rumour of 50% off GD 100s and GA 110 Hypercolours
Keep us informed macspite. Im working lates over the weekend but I might have to make a quick run up there sat if they've got some good stock.