I guess the less complicated way to do it is whoever comes online first, and the date has changed for him/her, starts the thread.
Hello 2 all and very happy you're going 2 give it a go 2 the daily WRUW.
It is exactly like Luciano says, in other watches forums there is no specific rule about the "moment" when and where the day start 4 we live in so many different time zones... I am in -4:30 hours GMT. We're one of the few places in the world with a H:30 min timezone.
The only rule I reckon is important, it is the rule of only one WRUW per date no matter who and when is started.
Today I'm visiting one of our branches in the center of Venezuela, this one is run by my cousin Daniel and here am I in his super pickup truck and invading his desk with the Sand Desert that just arrived to complete 60 Gs -->
Loving the perfect sand tone and matte finishing, ah, and the little orange touch of the Shock Resist lettering.
My best wishes 4 everyone always... Cheers!