@Sean - Dee & Ricky looks great
@TZA - Glad you're getting the functions down on the Mudman. When you have them figured out can you give me a tutorial
@macspite - Is green skin not a sign of lack of vitamin C? Or is that scurvy?
I digress. Anyhow snowmeggedon has struck the UK once again. We must have a good 1cm dusting here which inevitably will lead to gridlock. Fortunately my commute is short so I made it into work although I'm not looking forward to the 5 minute walk to the shop later to panic buy bread.
Started the day with the recently acquired DW-5600BL.

In between purchase and arrival had some unwelcome expense so kind of thought this would end up a flip given it was a bit of an impulse buy. It is, check the classifieds. 120s later the Mudman was back on.

@TZA - Glad you're getting the functions down on the Mudman. When you have them figured out can you give me a tutorial
@macspite - Is green skin not a sign of lack of vitamin C? Or is that scurvy?
I digress. Anyhow snowmeggedon has struck the UK once again. We must have a good 1cm dusting here which inevitably will lead to gridlock. Fortunately my commute is short so I made it into work although I'm not looking forward to the 5 minute walk to the shop later to panic buy bread.
Started the day with the recently acquired DW-5600BL.

In between purchase and arrival had some unwelcome expense so kind of thought this would end up a flip given it was a bit of an impulse buy. It is, check the classifieds. 120s later the Mudman was back on.