WRUW : 2nd Jul -> 8th Jul


New Member
@Willy well I went to google searching around for it. Found one for about 180. I was like f that. Then. Went to amazon. Typed it in. Found it for 120. I was like hmm. Then I noticed the dreaded " 1 left in stock " marker. So I was like okay give me this watch amazon. And as im about to check out it says delivery 14-30 days. Im like what the hell. And I noticed o. Its coming from germany. So yeah it's going to be a little while. Expected delivery is 1Aug-30Aug according to amazon. But I will post some pics when it gets here.


New Member
Nice, Amazone confuses the sh*t out of me, my girlfriend has bought a bunch of stuff in the past off of there (mostly books for college/grad school) I feel like every time I've searched on amazon for g-shocks, which hasn't been too often, I mostly get search results of the generic G's that you can find at walmart. Did you buy this from a private seller in germany, or is it from an online store in germany? Now I gotta go check amazon for a while..lol.
PS- Even with the blue/purple glx150, I would still fear getting that all dirty (like most of my g's) I really have one true beater, it's actual more of a tester-outer..lol


New Member
Im not sure if its a watch store. Or sporting goods. Here's the name of the seller " Troya-Tapez Hiphopgermany ". I guess im afraid of white ones because it seems like you can clean all the other colors. But there are some stains that will NOT come out of white ones.


New Member
yeah, I feel you on that, that's why I really baby my white ones, and I have a lot of babying to do :/ IMAG0214.jpg


New Member
Yeah, I don't know why I'm drawn to the white ones so much. I'm really gonna try to break away from that. Can you show me any pictures of your collection. I would love to see them :) ??


New Member
I don't have a nice display like you Haha. I wanna buy a nice one. Theres a 12 slot for $70 on amazon.

Also I have that glx in the mail and a 6900 in the mail also. So ill put up a picture of the KIDS all together then. Haha.


New Member
cool. $70 is too much for a 12slot, unless it's made of really high quality materials. I got mine off ebay, from a very reputable seller. They pretty much only sell watch boxes, winders, etc. They have great feedback, and tons of things sold. The biggest concern about buying a watch box for g-shocks, it THE SIZE! Most watch boxes that are 20 slots, (10 on top, 10 on bottom) the bottom shelf has a lot less room than the top. But even with the top shelf being larger, it still doesn't close properly, it usually closes down on top of the watches, touching them (which you don't want) and the bottom shelf is even smaller. Also, the width of the pillows and the slots, are usually too narrow.
That's what makes this watch box so great. This watch box is 2inches higher than the normal (around 7-7.5 inches vs. the normal 5.25in) and the slots and pillows are wide enough to accomidate 60mm wide watches.)
It's a really nice box, the top shelf locks, and it's real glass on the top, not plexi-glass. The seller on ebay is: Acetimer. They have my watch box in about 4-5 different types of wood, be careful when looking at these, because they have all the variations of what i have, in the smaller size as well. I got mine for about $70, plus $20 shipping. Check them out, and let me know if you have any questions!