Wruw 27/6/2014 tgiff!


Non frog for me today. Broke out something unsual. Have to say it is in my top 5 favorite watches, and just heard of a 3rd one today (Sjors was the other one I knew of). The Hawaiian Pro predates the Triple Crown watches (it is the first event of the Triple Crown and held in Haleiwa, Hi).


I don't think I've shared it on this forum before. What makes it special isn't the module or the bezel, but the strap buckle and keeper.



sent with aloha


Well-Known Member
Good evening Chris,

I remember I had a watch similar to this one. Except the one I had came with a regular resin band. I bought it when I was station in Germany; memory serves me right somewhere around the summer of 1992. I clearly remember the Thermometer lettering on the bezel like the one you are wearing. I don't remember the model number to be honest with you. Sadly this and the other G-Shock I bought during those years got lost in one of my moves. I was so mad when I found out two of my boxes from my household goods got lost; my watches and some other memorabilia from Germany was lost in those boxes. Uncle Sam reimburse me for the value of the lost merchandise. Sadly, my watches were lost and for what ever reason I never replaced them such is life.

Late check in today. I am wearing my old G-2110 it was the watch I wore during my two tours of duty in Iraq. It took the extreme abuse the desert could dish out and kept on working marvelously.



Happy and sad to hear Carlos. In case you ever wish to get one, simply look for DW-6100. They have been a variety of colors and have No real known issues and not especially prone to resin rot. I happen to own 3 6100's and enjoy them. May be worth looking into some time :cool:

sent with aloha