WRUW : 16th Jan -> 22nd Jan


Now coming up to 2300, just finished report on Monday and Tuesday's activity, 2200 phone call re an install at Gatwick with a problem, emails re Kings Cross and Gatwick from 1900 this evening - I'm not the project manager, I am bloke wot wears orange hi-viz and drills holes in concrete!

I'm certainly not on the same pay scale as a project manager :(

Can't easily remember where the 004 came from but no doubt it was an eBay cheapie. Though I am trying to buy only decent kit this year I am sure a few more pre-loved and work-worn items will be acquired along the way. :D

Any luck with finding a DW-6900?

And well done on setting up the Wiki, will contribute when time allows!

Bad news on work :(

Got a couple of DW-6900 on eBay ending soon I'm watching, including one local. Fingers crossed. if not I've a DW-6900 I might just pull apart.

Cheers on wiki. Not really publicised it much, other than of course the big 'wiki' link. Bit of a learning curve on it, sadly somewhat different to the more standard mediawiki but it integrates closely to the forum software. Anyhow. Hopefully use it to pull some useful info out of the forum and site.


Inspired by disavowed's 5300 thread gone for the DW-5300-G9V today.


Had this one for a while. Back when I started collecting Gs a few years ago seemed quite a good time for bagging bargains, not so much competiton on eBay and the £1 was worth $2 which meant some keenly priced stuff from US sellers. Ah well.


Ah yes, back in the day ...

... I remember the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones ...

Anyroadup today I am wearing another yellowed jelly, nothing spectacular but a simple watch with an easy to read face:


The picture is of the sun from Carl Sagan's book "Cosmos" which I was delighted to grab today for 50 pence from a local charity shop.


Its a DW-9000XS-9T, 25 quid off ebay last August and needing a new battery. A CR-2016 later and here it is. One of my favourites. It's yellowed, lost a decorative pin, the lettering is worn but it does its job unobtrusively and well. It's a watch I wear when I'm not sure whether I will be getting involved in dirty or physical work or just socialising.

As it was today has seen nothing more strenuous than creating and sending off expenses and invoices (creative writing?), collecting a custom made phone cover, wrestling my mate's Rotweiller into submission so it would accept having eye ointment applied and scoring some cheap books out of the charity shop. Oh, and applying to Winchester City Council's Safety Advisory Group for licences and permission to stage the show that keeps being advertised below.


And to finish off the week with one of my two Froggies. It has been in a ziploc bag since I got it and was on my wrist under a soft light coloured fleece for a couple of hours. Covered in dust!
