WRUW : 13th Feb -> 19th Feb


New Member


Hope the flu gets better soon. Is it good or bad to be ill on the weekend? (I get paid for the days I work so I save up being ill until work is slack)

Struggling with a Wordpress plugin at the moment but took time out to bid on the bay. Two incoming, one from 1997 one from 2011. Wearing another new (to me) watch:


MT- G 900FBJ - it's had the benefit of a nice quiet morning basking in the sun on the kitchen windowsill but even though it is facing west hasn't picked up the Fort Collins signal. Maybe it's a little bit far for the radio waves to reach. Might be my excuse to visit the States or Japan. "Purpose of visit sir?"
"To sync my watch ..."



G'day Rutteger! It's the 2011 GW-6900K-7JR Love the Sea and the Earth, ICERC Dolphin & Whale Eco-Research collaboration.

Nice, good to see a GW-6900 collaboration, Casio need to do a few more of these :)

And I am still having problems with the editing window freezing when I resize a photo! (This is 3rd time I have tried to write this post)

Do you mean an issue with the website? If so be good to get more details.


Do you mean an issue with the website? If so be good to get more details.

I am using the WYSIWYG editor in vbulletin, uploading a picture and then double clicking to bring up a dialogue box in order to set the size. At that point the entire browser window freezes.

Tried about ten minutes ago, same result. I have rebooted the laptop earlier today to load the latest upgrades for Windows 7 and have been using it to try and sort out an events calendar in Wordpress on the club blog - no problems with the browser there. Ebay worked fine earlier on, a very expensive exercise :( (Ribbit, Ribbit :D )

Windows 7, Chrome 17 Asus Laptop 3Gb memory, no previous memory problems. There is a recently installed file browser that may be the cause but I haqve had the freezing problem with the browser disabled.

Be interesting to know if anyone else can replicate the problems or if it is local to my machine


Ah ha, what Frog ;)

Unable to replicate the issue here when resizing images. Also on chrome / win7. Anyone else seeing issues?


OK, here goes, pasting a screen capture (via the insert picture icon) of my incoming frog (Snippit, Snippit :D ) Picture now shows as decent sized thumbnail about this ____________________ long. Need to enlarge it to decent size so double click on image to bring up this dialogue box:



and both times it has worked fine! Nothing changed on my machine and the suspect file browser is active. One of life's little mysteries ...


New Member
I've seen where Casio makes a G' Phone of sorts. Don't know much about them yet as my cell carrier doesn't deal in them - :frown-new:

Their called the Gz'one(or colse to it). The second one (black and red) looks quite amazing.


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