wruw 11-25-13 to 12-1-13





New Member
Hey Tom, both wore the green rangei today, cool. I really want to get the yellow one, but after the frog purchase the SEC will have none of it


Hey Tom, both wore the green rangei today, cool. I really want to get the yellow one, but after the frog purchase the SEC will have none of it

Super cool indeed Will :) Love this Rangeman colour! Ok lets wait for my yellow photos end of the week. Think you can't resist afterwards:) ;-) Happy Sunday to all of you!


New Member
Hello Mates, how is everybody doing? Mind if I hang out here with you?

Yesterday went out with a classic to have a Banana Split... So full is 2 in the morning and I can't sleep ;)



And to let the G-Shock EL Hanukkah Menorah shine, if you will :)


Happy Sunday 4 everyone... Cheers!
Marcos :D

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New Member
hey Marcos!!! nice to see you here. i just found this place too, it's a little quiet, but it will pick up!!

in any case i am still shocked about what happened on WUS. but i am happy you are here.


Rock on Marcos, and yes you can always hang out with us!

Lightning Yellow got a heavy and unusual stall in customs, and they finally released the package to the post office today! I should be getting them Monday. While I still don't have the final bill (had to hire a customs broker) I'm pretty excited. Obviously these will now have a special meaning/memory for me.

Wore my GDX6900 skeleton tonight.


sent with aloha


New Member
chris, just curious…. why all the problems with customs? i know i'm in the lower 50, but I've bought a million watches from Japan, and I've never had anything get stuck anywhere, or had to pay a dime for anything extra? and it has never taken more than 4 or 5 days to receive. i don't even know what a customs broker is? why all the problems? just curious man


New Member
Tom, Will, Chris:

Thanks 4 the welcome, it is super nice 2 be here!

Tom, thank you for telling me about this place, or should I say this *Zone* ;)

All the best,
Marcos :D

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