Whos fancies a little bit of Catch me if you can


New Member
Too, Easy, Need to make it harder, next time i am in town it will be HARD HARD HARD, so yes correctly guessed and DM received, it was the GD-100NS-7ER

I am still in LDN so if you were to come in when i am here then you too will receive a discount,


Bubbly Tubs

I'm popping by tomoz to pick a little something up. Will keep my eyes peeled for you. What sorta discount do I get if we happen to be wearing the same G ha ha


New Member
Well hers to another day at the shops, with something I don't usually wear, lovely deep blue in colour with a shimmering lighter dial,

Get this grey cells thinking guys



New Member
First guess in and NOPE, no cigar!!!!!

How many clues can i give,

I hate setting this watch, holding down the button to get the hands in the right place is Loooooonnnnggggg



New Member
Well Bubbly Tubs first person to catch me in store at LDN, Congrats picked a Burton, hes off to East now, i should be over there later as well,