Pretty great day today. Landed in Nashville this morning and the first place my mom takes me?
This is the trip I had talked about in the beginning of the month. A lot of family getting together for a wedding tomorrow. While getting some wine came across a fun box
Yup, still wearing the MTG from the plane. That didn't last long though.
And a main reason for this trip.
sent with aloha
Good morning everyone...!
What a GREAT DAY... MY GIANTS took care of business last night so I am all SMILES today.
My good friend Will I love that Frogman you posted and have begun saving for it. Cheapest I've seen it is $1,500.00 so I have a ways to go but I will stay the course. Race and K&L awesome Frogs to gentlemen. Today I am sporting my Giants colors. Thus, I am wearing my G-7900A-4.