Tough Solar Battery and Watch problems


Looks like one of my tough solars, a G-5500MC needs a new battery. Shows high charge after a few days in the sun but more or less instantly goes to 'Recover'. At least I hope it's the battery.
This is the Tough Solar G I've needed a new battery for, had to fit a new cell to my GW-9200 Riseman last year after it showed the same problems. Grrr.

Have others had to change Tough solar cells too? Or have I been unlucky.

Also have a G-5600 which quite simply won't charge a cell, as such have run it with regular batteries for years...


New Member
Need some advice
My new watch with tough solar doesn't charge up to high even after a week by the window.
Is this normal?

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New Member
if its not direct sunlight for the better part of a day then yes, normal.
it says it in the manual, "charging time = slow ass" :sleeping:


The glass itself is also a filter, so slows down the charging process a great deal. Depending on the model I've seen G's require 64 hours of DIRECT sunlight which takes a long time to accumulate.

Just keep exposing it, it will come around. ;)

sent with aloha


New Member
I haven't had to change any myself and the oldest solar G I have is about 12 years old and it's still working fine...

AFAIK, the rechargeable batteries (CTL1616) inside solar models don't like being fully discharged nor staying discharged for any extended period. This apparently shortens the lifespan considerably...

I have heard rumours that older CTL1616 rechargeable batteries don't perform as well as newer gen ones as well as there being some faulty batches in the past. Hope the new one you put in serves you better!

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New Member
^can def. confirm that if theyre fully discharged for a period of time theyre pretty much toast, the one i replaced had been i a drawer for 3 years, took charge after a few days but didnt really hold it for long before dying again


New Member
Thanks guys...
Then I guess some of my watches are normal not to be on high even after a long charge.
Got a frog in the drawer since I bought it, think I better take it out for charging before it's too late.

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New Member
Solars really need to be kept in the light. I have a Raysman thats 15 years old never had any issues with it. My 5 solars sit together and if I notice that one looks low I put it on the window sill to top it up.
Solars would go for about 100 day in the dark. Best to keep them toped up to keep the cell from spoiling