Good Afternoon Solo,
Then help the group make it better. Share pictures of your watches. I can tell you by looking at the model numbers that you have a Camouflage Motif Mudmaster, a Gulfmaster, The newest Frogman the Delta version of it in Navy Blue colors, The Desert Camouflage Motif Mudman which is the partner of your Mudmaster (Part of the same Series). So there is a lot that you can learn and share with your fellow collectors. I don't know you but I know the watches you have listed. And I am willing to bet that if you seriously give the forum a shot you will learn a lot. I have met very knowledgeable G-Shock collectors on this site in the past. Your more than welcome to become one of them should you choose to do so.
By the way the only one I have of the desert Camouflage series is the Rangeman DW9400DCJ-1