The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.


New Member
Cheers and thanks for the fraternal greetings

Well done Ricky, you just got yourself the bargain of the year :)

I wonder how a minty GW5000 ended up at a random jewellers in the UK!

And a warm welcome to the zone for all the other newcomers! There should be more of us in the welcoming party but I blame tapatalk's hide stickies option :)

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I think someone must have traded in several watches for one of the Omegas or Rolexes which this guy buys and sells. He has a sound reputation and a long-established business. His quartz watches are mostly second hand except for the Swiss Railway brand. But he doesn't do digital, so it was just luck that he under-priced this one and I bought it.
Quick question; does the GW5000 ever need a battery replaced or is it like my Lorus Trilum which is also solar but supposedly has a capacitor instead of a battery with a projected service life, Lorus claimed, of eighty years(!)


New Member
I think someone must have traded in several watches for one of the Omegas or Rolexes which this guy buys and sells. He has a sound reputation and a long-established business. His quartz watches are mostly second hand except for the Swiss Railway brand. But he doesn't do digital, so it was just luck that he under-priced this one and I bought it.
Quick question; does the GW5000 ever need a battery replaced or is it like my Lorus Trilum which is also solar but supposedly has a capacitor instead of a battery with a projected service life, Lorus claimed, of eighty years(!)

The GW-5000 works just like other G shock solars, using a rechargeable battery, commonly the CTL1616 (pretty sure the GW-5000 uses this) with a charging circuit from the solar panel. It can be changed just like a normal battery.

You typically won't have to worry about the battery for 10-15 years, unless it's faulty to begin with.

However, it's said that completely discharging the battery will significantly shorten its lifespan... hope that helps!

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New Member
Thanks, that is interesting. So far mine shows H all the time but it gets an hour on the window sill to keep it charged. Pity they didn't fit a capacitor like Lorus did to seal it for life, but I'm not complaining. I remember my old one had gold buttons and buckle. I swapped it after a few days because I used to run a lot and found it to be uncomfortable, being heavy it rubbed on my wrist. Not a problem these days.
My son had a solar Gshock but it never charged properly and usually showed a blank screen so he fitted a non-rechargeable battery and sold it at a car boot sale. Hope mine hasn't had the same treatment but there is no sign that the case has been opened.


New Member
lol love the annotation there ricky :encouragement:

a big welcome to the other new folk as well :pirate:


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone, hope you're all having a good day.

Welcome aboard Ricky you got your hands on a blowout bargain. Enjoy it and wear it with pride.

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LA Gun

New Member
New to the forum. I have a small collection of G-Shocks that just grew by one. Just got a model 3427, one of the new camo versions. I have it all set up with one exception I'm struggling with. The watch display is in the negative - light numerals on a dark background. I find this tough to see. The manual says I can change between displays but it doesn't tell me how. Anybody know?

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New Member
New to the forum. I have a small collection of G-Shocks that just grew by one. Just got a model 3427, one of the new camo versions. I have it all set up with one exception I'm struggling with. The watch display is in the negative - light numerals on a dark background. I find this tough to see. The manual says I can change between displays but it doesn't tell me how. Anybody know?
when you say "change between displays" what is the exact wording in the manual?

tho either way, i can assure you they dont mean change the physical display. its more than likely refering to changing whats on the display eg. time, stopwatch, timer etc.


New Member
GSZ ... I'm used to collect gs long time ago and now starting to get back into the wagon. Hope to learnt Alot here.

My last buy was the maharishi. And my Fav gs is rising red Frogman which was my first buy last March and now I can't stop. Next watch otw is earthwatch rangeman. Can't wait for that.

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