The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.


New Member
I give a try:

Received as gift the GA-110-1aer for my birthday in march 2012 and said:cool nice watch!

View attachment 8106

...and found his weakness too quick: damn! The light was awful,something unreadable at night :culpability:.

It was a gift:mean impossible to resell it.I kept this watch and started to look what Casio was have to offer better than the GA-110 and decide to buy an other g-shock for my next birthday in 2013.

The month of March 2013 came,I discovered WUS and i bought 3 more G-shocks (digital this time! :cool:) by myself for my birthday.

The gift was a poison:i don't reach yet March 2014 and had 25 g-shocks more to my home :devilish:

Anyway,i subscribed on this forum 'cause Tom,Chin,GM,Marcos,Crater,Chrisek,Marco,Vade_R by example are worthy members on WUS...nuff said!

Quite an honor to be a tiny part of the force that brought you 2 The Zone, good Mate!

Very, very welcome... Awesome 2 have you here :)

Marcos :D


New Member
Well since i'm pretty new here i would like to hear your opinion.
i'm from germany and this model i would like to buy u don't get in germany.
it's this one. it woud cost me about 75 dollars ( 55 euros ) with shipping.


New Member
Welcome to the zone SleazyG :)

After you get past the glitz and glamour of the collabs, you'll find there is a wealth of many other things 'G-shock', 30 years worth actually, to blow your mind even more :)

Sent from the 'droid.


Welcome SleazyG! You are definitely starting off with some big ones of 2013!

What Sengyoku said is true, just google gshock and any brand you might find interesting, and you may be surprised! Welcome, ask questions, and have fun. :D

sent with aloha