So - do we need a name and shame section somewhere then? Possible legal implications but ...
I'm not having a good fortnight
- sold a car on eBay and after a week the buyer informed me he wasn't going to collect "as my wife doesn't want me to have it", phone and credit cards stolen on Tuesday - £500 quid phone not insured ... - this joker messing me around and a guy in the States fretting that the watch i sent him Airsure tracked and insured on 3rd of may has yet to turn up.
The last one is suggesting that he gets the money back off PayPal and I claim off post office - surely I would only get cost of postage back and he would get cost of goods or does the PO give me all the money and trust me to pay out the buyer? And what happens to the PayPal fees?
I'm not having a good fortnight
The last one is suggesting that he gets the money back off PayPal and I claim off post office - surely I would only get cost of postage back and he would get cost of goods or does the PO give me all the money and trust me to pay out the buyer? And what happens to the PayPal fees?