Thanks to your help the parts I need are incoming.
Ryan was very helpful and told which were the right ones and how to remove the old strap. I should have a package in the mail tomorrow or on Tuesday.
Now a few more questions came up:
When removing the strap I realized the Bezel had some cracks so I decided to replace it as well. However it broke
very easily when I tried to remove it (see the picture). Do you guys think it's so brittle because of its age (probably around 15 years) or do I have to be REALLY careful when putting the new one on? If it’s the same again I don't see how I can get it on without breaking it…
Also how do I best clean the module? As you can see there is quite a bit of grease on there.
As far as re-assembling goes I guess the best idea would be to put on the strap before the Bezel, right?
Thanks again for your help.