Hey Rob,
Glad you like the leather work man, we liked your post on the thread, thanks. Good spotting on the Ani't.
Initially it was a mistake on our early artwork draft which got picked up before we went any further. After a bit of a laugh we decided it could be a fun way to keep the first 99 unique. However we made 1 watch with the correct spelling of Ain't on the back plate which is somewhere out there in the marketplace. The 1 watch with the normal 'Ain't' spelling has a note in the package to alert the buyer that they have the one and only 'Ain't' watch and we have a prize pack to go to the purchaser of that watch. Most places have sold out but there are still a couple of national stores with a watch or two left and we haven't been contacted by the buyer of the 'Ain't' watch yet. There were talks amongst Japan of another run in the future so we believe it's nice to have this fun unique stamp on this first small release.
Because you were the first eagle eye we'll send you a You Know We Ani't tee (see attached pic of the tee on Jake with the farmer from the teaser vid at the release party).
Flick us your size and address and we'll have it sent from here in the next day or two.
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You Know We Ain't Ltd