Hyper Color Craze Dying?


New Member
With the sudden inflow of the Hyper Colors range (re-issue), is the craze dying?

Seems like collectors are off the crazy pricing nowadays - whats are your thoughts?

I personally only collect GA110 (hyper color) range or DW6900 range..


New Member
I don't think that the craze is dying off anytime soon.

The hyper colors are the best selling series for Casio. Collectors will tend to pay less now. That might not be the case for long as I think that the reissue supply will run dry soon.


New Member
I love the hyper colors and I'm happy they rereleased them but I wish they wouldn't of released so many

Mike Hughes

New Member
try ebay aus . i saw a few there the other day. atabot 160gbp which i more than retail but not what they used to be