If you get caught up in this and start reporting fake eBay items don't worry - there are always plenty to have a go at 
69onehundred gave us the heads up on this particular fake, turns out rutteger also saw this fellers fake for sale - but they were two different watches. The seller isn't an innocent who bought a fake Bape in good faith and then tires of it and sells on but a deliberate con artist. If enough people report the likes of him to eBay we just might see less of these things in future ...
69onehundred gave us the heads up on this particular fake, turns out rutteger also saw this fellers fake for sale - but they were two different watches. The seller isn't an innocent who bought a fake Bape in good faith and then tires of it and sells on but a deliberate con artist. If enough people report the likes of him to eBay we just might see less of these things in future ...