GW-9400 Rangeman - Power Saver Question


New Member
Hello, new to the G-Shock brand and this forum. Recently I picked up a GAW-100 and just loved it. From there, branched out and picked up a Rangeman.

When it was delivered, I went through the setup flow and turned on the Power Saver mode. However, it never showed the initials on the time screen. So, jumped into diagnostic mode, and found it not even showing there either (should be above the "P", if I am not mistaken).

Has anyone ever seen this? Bad module? New screen layout? As I said, the option to turn it on is in the setup flow, but the "PS" just does not show on the screen (diagnostic or otherwise).

Let me know what you think and thanks in advance!


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Well-Known Member
You may have to reset the module. I wrote a small article on how to do this. Should be under my name if you look for it. I had to do this to one of my Rangeman. I have four in total.