G-Shocks crop up quite often in film, TV, music and elsewhere. Thought it's be cool to setup a thread for you all to post your G-Shock spots. I'll get the ball rolling with a few
First up quite a recent one, Eminem sporting a G-Shock DW-6900NB-7 in Dr. Dre's Video "I Need a Doctor"

Bit more old school, Sting used to sport quite a few Casios back in the day, including some obscure jogging calculators and somesuch. Possibly best known for wearing a DW-5700

First up quite a recent one, Eminem sporting a G-Shock DW-6900NB-7 in Dr. Dre's Video "I Need a Doctor"

Bit more old school, Sting used to sport quite a few Casios back in the day, including some obscure jogging calculators and somesuch. Possibly best known for wearing a DW-5700