That would be great for me, my valet has taken his two weeks annual leave and I am running out of clean T shirts
All kinds of things conspiring against me posting - car accident then busy with setting up, running and dismantling show - ten days gone. Major problem with severe lack of funds due to invoices not being processed while still having to pay for travel and hotel bills to carry on working. Wearing only GW-500 at the moment as shoving hands into sharp edged depths of ticket machines so nothing to show in WRUW. End of year accounts (run my own company), also club chairman resigned so have been pitchforked into that role from comfortable obscurity of vice chairman, may not seem a big deal but £70k turnover and all voluntary committee so have to spend a little time sorting that out, like having a second company to run![]()
Main hassle is lack of any spare cash or spare time but, like Arnie and General Patton before him - I'll be back!