G Shock Packaging


New Member
So i think i got this right. Japan packaging for the Master of G series and the "men in ..." (mainly the higher tier collection) will typically come in a black leather box with pillow. whereas, for US packaging, those same model pieces will come in a tin and foam, like the usual G Shock Collection. not sure what other parts of the world provide, as i have not purchased otherwise.

my question is how important to you is packaging? is it something that should be included and, if included, be the correct and appropriate package? or more on the lines of, not so important at all, bc the end result is the watch. just give me the watch and whatever box you can find!

i am a collector of many things, so it is important to me the entire package. i want the watch, box, sleeve, tags whatever it comes with. but am i being overly concerned about this?

had to get this off my chest. id like to read some other members opinions.



It's also my understanding and experience that Japanese limited edition Gs come in a box whereas the same models sold elsewhere come in a tin.

Have to say I'm not super concerned about whether the watches come with packaging or not. It's great to have box, tin, manual etc but if there is a model I want without it's far from a deal breaker.


New Member
The tiny details are essential for me! packaging/tags/tin...the lot! (i even keep the little CE sticker on the back of my watches)


i am a collector of many things

Think this bit is interesting and goes to show how people's approach differs - there is no right or wrong answer. I also collect other stuff (as I'm sure many here do) and as with my Gs I'm never that bothered about the items being NOS / mint / boxed etc. However equally I know people for whom having NOS boxed items is very important.