Wanted G-7800b-1


I am doing the honourable thing and not buying this before Mr. Pete gets to hear about it ...

... mind you he did say he wanted to find one NOT on eBay!

UPDATE - it is now open season - the BIN of £35 has disappeared and there is one bid of 99p. (Not mine :) )


New Member
I've been looking for the same model!
I missed the auction mentioned by rutteger.
So I'm still watchless after my GW-M5600 got stolen :(.


Welcome to g-shockzone!

Sorry to hear about the theft, makes you want to kill the lowlife that did it doesn't it? Or maybe not if you are a nicer person than me :)

THis guy - http://forums.watchuseek.com/f29/casio-g-shock-g-7800-models-607108.html - had some for sale, looks as if he has just a G-7800L-1 left which seems to have a metal bezel. He is in the States and asking $100, don't know where you are but my experience as a UK buyer is that stuff from the States takes a couple of weeks to arrive and there is a fair chance of HMRC wanting a slice of VAT on the value of the watch and postage.

Worth an email?


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome :).
I am quite picky when it comes to... most stuff actually. I am only looking for the black version, G7800B-1
I am currently in the UK, looking for a used watch, to keep the price low!

As for the theft - I wouldn't go as far as killing, but I would cut the wrist off and take back what's mine ;).