Hi Nic,
Immediate reaction is that if it is a BAPE then it is fake! The vast majority of BAPES being sold online and in some shopping outlets are fake. One obvious thing to look for is the position of the day digits - a genuine DW-6900 has the day displayed under the first two windows, the fake has it directly beneath the middle window.
The sellers know this so either show the watch running in a different mode, stopwatch for instance, or by showing a blurred picture. The blurring also masks the fact that the fakes are less "crisp" in their detailing.
On eBay the watch is often described as G-Shock or Shock - no mention of Casio - so as to try to get round eBay's restriction on counterfeit items. It will also be cheap, a genuine Bape would go for £200+ as a minimum.
There is a fairly good guide on eBay itself -
click here
And an excellent guide to G-Shock fakes, not just Bapes,
is here - video comparing real and fake bapes at the page bottom
This is a half-decent fake, note position of "WE" under the middle window. Box looks reasonable but the watch colour looks wrong, too matt.
Doing an image search on Google for "Casio Bape G-Shock" brings up loads of fakes whereas doing an image search for "
Genuine Casio Bape G-Shock" brings up ... loads of fakes.

In fact I can't quickly find a picture of a genuine red one. So here is a picture of my own, genuine, non Bape DW-6900 - note the "SA" day indicator is between the left hand and centre window.
Some of the sharper-witted vendors will use either a stock photo - if from Casio it's always 10:58 as the time and 6-30 as the date - or a picture of a genuine watch stolen from someone's blog. If you are buying from an auction site ask the vendor for another photo showing the watch with a different time and date or laid on a newspaper that shows date and headline. If they are genuine then they will do as you ask - they want to sell the watch after all.
These are some fakes for sale through ioffer.com
It's very tempting for people to sell watches like the ones above for a large profit - the prices shown in the picture are retail, I can get Chinese fakes wholesale for less than 5 dollars each ...
If you want an opinion on whether a watch is or not post a photo or a link to the page it is on in here, we will try to help!