DW-003HookUps-9V Should I finally pull the trigger, WDUT, Mates?


New Member
Hello 2 all. Hope everyone is doing cool!

Mates, for quite some time now, I've been thinking about getting this G + spare band »»»


I like the HU addition but it's not the reason why I'm so tempted to get it; rather a memory of my childhood is bringing my mind over and over to this piece. Love the color scheme and love the fact that I did also find a replacement no HU band.

Anyway, I wanted a G very similar to this piece back in the days when they were issued, but I was still under parents control (living in parents house and economically depending of them), I was some 15yo and Mom and Dad didn't want me to do anything beside studying, so I didn't have money to buy it and I had like 5 watches @ the time (a Swiss Army and couple of Swatchs I remember well) and Dad, with reason on his side, said no more watches for you son.

The price of the timepiece is 99$ and the spare band is 11$.

What do you think, Mates, should I pull the trigger? Should this be #1 purchase of '14?

I'll wait for your advice and opinions... The best always!
Marcos :D


New Member
The more important thing to ask is why not buy it
The only issue I have with that (kind of) watch is not about the watch or color scheme per se, but the strap. Because of the Velcro strap, when you put it on it makes the watch head ride pretty high on your wrist (higher even then an Autozilla!) and because of the nylon strap it's pretty hot.
But if you're buying it as a collector's item, and not something to liberally wear, don't think twice, because it looks great. And the price is VERY good too.


New Member
I agree with LUW on wearing these velcro straps, but some people love them.
Velcro straps are VERY comfortable, but are hot - in the cold it's great. Some models come with a single strap (and not double like this one), so watch height isn't an universal problem to Velcro straps.


New Member
I don't know why, but this is one of the hardest "to pull the trigger" G that I've encountered since the G madness started... Still thinking although now it won't be the 1 G of '14 if I finally get it ;)

I'll keep you posted :D