Cleaning your watch


New Member
I've seen YT vids of folks using Nail Polish remover and a Q-Tip. Knowing what I know now, I don't particularly think that's such a great idea, especially with a white resin band that will easily turn yellow, or just chip and show its yucky color underneath.

I'm a fan of a local company ( and he makes quite a few car detailing specialty stuff, including plastic cleaners and polishes. Next time I'm at the store, I'll ask if they've got something for a resin-based plastic . . . (/shamelessplug)


New Member
Also, if someone feels authoritative enough, would you step up and do a write-up, or a how-to, or an FAQ, etc of G-Shock cleaning? If it's good enough, it should be made a sticky as well, so that others who are searching will quickly find an answer to something that I assume is a fairly-common question.


New Member
Hey all, just make sure the tooth brush is new and not had toothpaste on it. Toothpaste is abrasive and can damage the plastic.