I didn't even have the piece when I first posted in your thread. Therefor, I couldn't have even sold one. Now that I do posses a ga113, I can sell it. And if I decide to do so, I'll create my own thread :]
How do we know whether u did have or not?
As for what you want to do, that's completely on you. I read the Rules & Guidance thread by rutteger prior to posting to ensure I wasn't breaking a rule. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't break a rule and I'm completely within reason to post about finding the same piece for significantly cheaper, elsewhere. Like I said before, do whatever you want to do because that's completely on you.
I didn't say u broke a rule? Did I?
I'll leave it to mods regarding this.
If your asking price had been more reasonable, I think I wouldn't have felt so compelled to help potential buyers from being ripped off by $100+. Inflation and scalpers are always going to be around, I understand that. But I would feel bad for not speaking up about something like this when I have the chance. Y'know?
I was open about asking for the price.
I wasn't sneaky posting in someone else's thread saying I could get them at lower price .'pm me'