Captain America arrives


New Member
Hey all ,
Its been a while and i have not had many pickups lately.
I was origionally told we would be getting the 6900AC so i held out to get one from my favourite shop GSE.
Aparently its not now coming to the UK so i had to source one from Japan.
I think if they released this watch during the Olympics sales would have gone mental after all we are Red , White and blue too !
A really cool addition to the pack.
Check out my review here


New Member
I was waiting untill i was next up town for something a bit more creative buddy but here is a quickie.
I think the best place will be through the usual channels - i dont have a specific supplier but im tempted to look at fromjapan


New Member
These were cheap as chips in Japan at when they first came out. Mine cost about £60. They're still available in Europe for retail or a little less. One of the best looking non collaboration 6900's since the blue mm-2.

Bubbly Tubs

I do like this piece, and agree with the above comments, Defo one of the better releases. Shame it's not gonna get a UK release.

Col Simpson

New Member
Yeah i was gutted when i found out.
Well the main thing is i have one now and its deffo a keeper !

I got one on Amazon UK for £99 plus £4.95 delivery! None left at the moment but sure more will be on the way. i've had it about a month now and really pleased with it.