New Member
Definitely hoping for some colourful rangies.
I'm undecided with regards to the frogs, love the rising red 8230 I've got. Not worn my Stussy x Bape yet. I would definitely have picked up the lightening yellow 8230 if it was gloss as opposed to matt. Unfortunately, the 1000 series are too rich for me, and don't think I could ever justify the retail prices on the 30th anniversary titanium frogs, let alone re-seller prices.
I was charmed into frogs myself by a 1000 series, but yes, they don't come cheap! The Ti ones are worth an entire series of other models alone! Though I find their quality so exquisitely superior to anything else I've seen in G's
I was hoping the lightning yellow 8230 might have been glossy as well as it makes it a bit similar to the first 8250 yellow frog... but it may have been a good thing as my wallet would have been in more trouble than it already is!
Sent from the 'droid.