I would like to dye one of my jelly bands and bezels that has yellowed.
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Not done this before and it seems an easy job. Only problem is that the articles I have come across on the net are from guys in the States and the products mentioned are not available here in the UK.
I would like to know the UK equivalent of using RIT in an aluminum saucepan while eating Tootsie rolls and Oreos and drinking Grape Ne-Hi.
I think it may be using Dylon in an alumin
ium saucepan while munching on a bacon buttie and drinking monkey tea but would like confirmation before I do something irreparable.
Ok so I tried, used RIT in a teflon coated aluminium saucepan, no bacon buttie but a large mug of monkey brew. And I did do something irreparable ...

A naked DW-9200K showing the yellowing of the strap.
Blue one first, using the same pan of dye as for the G-lide shown on the left
Hard flashlight gives contrast to white lettering - now light blue and original blue lettering, unchanged. Quite pleased with effect, not an overpowering blue and the transparency of the "jelly" remains.
View in natural light:
In the words of Ian Dury:
Good sense told me, once was enough. But I had to cock an eye on more of this stuff
So, rather than leave my yellow lettered ICERC alone with its almost matching yellowed band I poured away the Royal blue RIT, washed out the pan and added another flavour with, long story short, this result:
Previous quantities were one third packet of RIT in a 9 inch pan and enough water to cover the components. About 6 minutes in the solution. This time I went for broke and added a whole packet in a similar amount of water. Tangerine flavour. About the same time of immersion, colour didn't seem to get any deeper after the first couple of minutes.
The yellow lettering on the strap hasn't changed much but the white lettering has changed colour to match:
Last shot of this one:
Those few who have reached this far will notice a blue, disassembled ICERC in the background. In fact it is not yet reassembled - put the orange together before the blue.
Has anyone got the knack of strap spring bars? Getting them out is easy enough with the correct tool is easy enough but these were little b***ers to get back. The neighbours were treated to some old fashioned free-form swearing for about thirty minutes. (Mind, they got their own back with a party spilling into the street followed by a domestic around 02:30 this morning).
Remember I mentioned irreparable damage? The keepers seem to be made of a different material (maybe true for all G's which is why they seem to be the first bit of resin to fail). The keeper for the blue one shrivelled into a little ball in the hot - not boiling - water and couldn't be rescued. The keeper for the orange one shrank to about half proper size but was resurrected by expanding with a pair of pliers as a former.
i had the keeper from a fake jelly which I dyed. Lost its transparency and when I took the blue ICERC off this morning I had a nice blue imprint of the keeper on my wrist - no dye transference from the strap though
Next time, if I am rash enough to try, I will shave down a bit of wood to fit snugly inside the keeper so it will keep its size and shape in the hot dye, obviously will have to weight it to get the keeper immersed.
So here are the three amigos after their makeover:
*Not shown - newly decorated orange and blue kitchen worksurfaces, utensils, walls ...