Search results

  1. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock Play Cloths

    It has been noted :p
  2. rutteger

    For Sale Mr Cartoon x G-Shock DW-6900 £85 BIN

    Something like that, hope you take on board the point though.
  3. rutteger

    For Sale Mr Cartoon x G-Shock DW-6900 £85 BIN

    Really? What details do you want more than is in this thread? It's a G-Shock. It looks like the pictures. You can tell the time with it and other cool stuff. If you want any of these watches then buy them. Either PM the seller or post on the thread. Seems you post on nearly every sale thread...
  4. rutteger

    New Casio UK flagship store

    Just found an online article in a design magazine which also mentions the April 21st opening for the new Casio flagship store in covent garden. The article also has a couple of mock up images of the store Looks very much like GSE. Full article here >...
  5. rutteger

    eBay Black Scale x SUPPLY CIRCUIT x CASIO G-SHOCK DW-5600
  6. rutteger

    eBay 'Foamposite' G-Shock custom Hmm, interesting idea. Wonder how durable the custom art would prove to be....
  7. rutteger

    eBay G-Shock DW-6300 First Frogman USD$169 Go easy on that BIN, bezel is broken. Damn.
  8. rutteger

    WRUW : 19th March -> 25th March

    Cool G-2300, get well soon :) Gone for the DW-8400 Mudman today. Managed to scratch my hand getting some items from storage yesterday - looks a little nasty in the pic, sorry for that :p
  9. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Intrigued. Is it amphibian?
  10. rutteger

    New Casio UK flagship store

    Thanks for the info. Was this from GSE?
  11. rutteger

    WRUW : 19th March -> 25th March

    @macspite - is it Brum ;) DW-6630 looks great with the bull bars. @agentzigzag - classic. Much in GSE currently? And what Baby-G did you get your sis?
  12. rutteger

    My last one... sharing love :-)

    Great G and great pic, thanks for posting :)
  13. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock × Bape (A Bathing Ape) 100% Authentic DW-6900

    Come on, are you actually buying anything??
  14. rutteger

    Article: Casio USA announce G-Shock GDF-100BB as part of the blackout and whiteout collections.

    Article: Casio USA announce G-Shock GDF-100BB as part of the blackout and whiteout co You can view the page at
  15. rutteger

    Casio USA announce G-Shock GDF-100BB as part of the blackout and whiteout collections.

    Casio USA have announced the release of the blackout and whiteout collection in the US. The new G-Shocks are set to hit stores March 2012. The collection is known elsewhere as the 'Solid Colors' pack, see the sneak peek we brought you of the G-Shock 2012 new releases along with the March 2012...
  16. rutteger

    WRUW : 19th March -> 25th March

    @Black60 - another fine choice :cool: @Deaconxx - Noooooo! You could always consider a small tattoo just in case you forget again * *not my arm, spotted it the other day on G-Shock Mexico. Not something I'd recommend :p
  17. rutteger

    The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.

    Welcome all, enjoy :) Thanks, and your English is excellent :D Interesting to hear you've got into Gs through collecting Panerai. Look forward to seeing your collection :)
  18. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Sweet, looks NOS :) Interesting point. Have to say I get most of mine from eBay, do also quite enjoy the 'sport' and of course the fact you can snag a real bargain :p Otherwise the classifieds here on g-shockzone (of course ;) ) . Also browse the classifieds on TZ-UK quite a bit, the odd...
  19. rutteger

    Minor auction annoyance

    Yeah, very odd. I'd share some of the messages here but perhaps best not. As for another watch one has already been purchased in the Jason's place :p