Search results

  1. rutteger

    For Sale G-7900-1ER boxed with tags etc.

    Got to go at some point :)
  2. rutteger

    Considering this.

    Old school Riseman, nice! Depends on condition I guess, if it has a stock fabric strap and is in worn condition I'd expect anywhere from £35-60. If it comes on the plastic strap and/or is a special edition it could be £70 - £100 again assuming used.
  3. rutteger

    G-Shockzone is ONE

    Of course always good to spread the word, be great to see the forum and site continue to grow. Here's to the rest of 2012 :cool:
  4. rutteger

    WRUW : 9th Apr - > 15th Apr

    That looks large! W-741 again today. Joy.
  5. rutteger

    Hi all which g shock?

    I'd also go with the GW-9200 Riseman, although both are cracking watches. The baromoter is actually fairly useful day to day.
  6. rutteger

    New Casio UK flagship store

    I'm sure I'll head over at some point, probably not next weekend though (unless I win one of the Gs via their facebook compo ;) ). You heading over for the opening BT?
  7. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Interesting, a G-Shock?
  8. rutteger

    Ships from and sold by

    Never tried it personally, let us know how you go. Are you using direct?
  9. rutteger

    G-Shockzone is ONE

    Thought this milestone was worthy of a small celebration :D The site has been up and running around a year now and is growing nicely. Be interested to hear your thoughts on the last year and suggestions for the future :cool:
  10. rutteger

    Really like the EQW-A1000DC

    If I sell the Gs I have in the classifieds will give it some thought ;)
  11. rutteger

    Im a big fan of G-Shocks BUT....

    Here is another one which might divide opinion, spotted on the Baby-G facebook page. I believe these young men are One Direction.
  12. rutteger

    New Casio UK flagship store

    Little build up for the opening on the 21st April 2012 on the Baby-G facebook page >
  13. rutteger

    Trading G's World Wide!!!! SCORE!

    Nice trade, looks like you're the GA-110 specialist :p
  14. rutteger

    WRUW : 9th Apr - > 15th Apr

    Very nice, did you also have the yellow In4Mation x G-shock? Awesome Frog, welcome to the site :)
  15. rutteger

    Really like the EQW-A1000DC

    Glad you finally made a choice, the GW-3500 is a good one too :D Look forward to seeing it in WRUW. @macspite - slightly dissapointed you aren't trying to flog the boat. The Merc is OK too I guess :p
  16. rutteger

    Really like the EQW-A1000DC

    I'd not worry about the metal bracelet and 'desk diving' marks overly, would imagine most metal bracelted divers are worn at a desk anyhow ;)
  17. rutteger

    WRUW : 9th Apr - > 15th Apr

    @SICSHOCKER - ha ha, nicely done :p @chavo60 - bad news :( Not sure if the crystal on the aviators is coated or not. If it's not coated a watchmaker / jeweller should be able to polish it out. Gone for the GW-9300 to start the day Back to the W-741 later on though :beaten:
  18. rutteger

    eBay Antman!
  19. rutteger

    eBay G-Shock GW-200MS-1 Frog £190 BIN Pretty good price :)